Do you need to stay on-base? No. Here are the tools you need to stay off-base. Hopefully, you will choose TDY Place!
Link to the answer from Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) that says you do NOT have to stay on base. Key quote 3rd Section, 9th Para, “If you’re required to stay in on-base quarters, you can choose to stay elsewhere…”
If you want to read the regulation for yourself, here is the link to the newest Joint Travel Regulation (JTR), 1 Dec 2017, see Table 2-14 in section 020303. It is confusing, but clarified by DTMO above. DoD lingo: “Required” doesn’t mean required if you make a personal choice to stay off-base.
Holloman AFB Policy Letter
Here is the improper base policy letter requiring TDY students to live on base as well as the squadron commander enforcement memo. These policies contradict the JTR and the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO). No base commander can supersede the JTR. You do not need to request permission to stay off base.
Wing Commander On-Base Policy
Squadron Commander On-Base Policy
FOIA Docs – Policy Targeted at Lieutenants?
These are some Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requested documents and emails detailing the policy decision prior to the most recent JTR update. It is telling that the policy is targeted at Lts that might not know better. Any order is considered lawful until challenged if it is based on “military necessity.” In fact, the decision was made entirely to prop up the inadequate Air Force Inn accommodations, following diminished revenue. Who would argue that living with only a microwave and mini-fridge for six months is adequate?
Commander’s Gut Feeling
Target Audience and Enforcement
Why Lower Revenue
JAG opinion-Lawful Order
Intentionally Vague Guidance
Altus Commander Perspective
AF Better Off
Guide on how to file your DTS for off-base lodging:
Step 1: Call the AF Inn to say you will not need the room that they automatically reserve for you, this is done independent of DTS.
Step 2: File DTS voucher according to these instructions:
Step 3: Reserve your room with TDY Place. Follow the “Reserve Now” button or this link to the TDY Place AirBnb Listing Page.
Step 4: Live a better life during your training at Holloman.